
Our Coaching & Mentoring Programmes and Workshops


Business Builder Day

1 Day

Ideal For:
Start Up Business Owners
Self Employed People
Business Operators who want to start a Business

Thinking of starting a business?
This is an interactive day learning the 7 Fundamental Laws to starting and running a successful business.

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Pete & Janelle will give you access to hints, tips, ideas and strategies to help you understand the cycle of business, and requirements of running your own business.

This is a major step to advance you quickly on your journey to working for yourself and making even more money.

Who is it for?

  • Start-up business owners & companies
  • Self-employed people
  • Business operators who want to become business owners




The Transformation Day

1 Day

Ideal For Business Owners Who Want:
To make their business more resilient
To take their business to the next level
To make their business more profitable
Help with strategy & direction

The Transformation Day is recognised to help business owners realise their potential by getting rid of the limiting beliefs they hold, and stop running the same scripts over and over in their head.

Many business owners may have been in business for a number of years, but they have only had 1 years’ experience but have run that same year over and over.

We aim to eliminate this by the end of the day with our world-class Transformation Day.

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Speaking to many business owners, you possibly feel:

  • Lost
  • Alone
  • No-one to speak to who understands what you’re going through
  • Wondering what to do to ensure the business survives
  • Money – how to make enough
  • Anxious and not able to sleep at night
  • Not in control of yourself or your business
  • Wondering what happens next…

We have been in situations similar to yours and understand what you are feeling and going through. But let’s be real and honest – it sux!!

As a result, we have developed a unique and proven programme to help you the business owner achieve the clarity and direction you want and desire, when you are in a situation where you can’t see the opportunities any more.


It is a full day, just with you, Janelle and I, and on this day, we help you with:

  • Aligning yourself with yourself, align yourself with your business.
  • Mindset – Yours and your clients. How to impact the Top 2.
  • Business and personal challenges and overcoming them.
  • 6 Success Stories.
  • The Mastermind way to make your business work more effectively and efficiently for you.
  • The Mastermind way to increase your profits.
  • The tools you need to re-energise and motivate yourself.
  • Your very own personalised 90-day plan, that you can implement immediately using our unique and proven system

At the end of THE TRANSFORMATION DAY, you will:-

  1. Come away re-focussed with a clear direction and clarity.
  2. Feel motivated and energised
  3. Have peace of mind.
  4. Have a 90-day plan for your business with 2-3 nuggets that you can implement immediately to see a positive change.




Mentoring Programmes

Peak Performance Business Accelerator School

2 or 3 Days

Ideal for :
Business Owners
Self-Employed Service-Based Businesses, i.e. coaches, accountants, etc.
Business Managers
Senior Business Leaders
Startup Businesses

Pete & Janelle’s signature programme – 2 or 3 days of world-class business mentoring.

A “Bootcamp” for any business owner/manager or start up looking to grow and scale without the pain of doing it alone or studying a 3-year-long business/marketing degree.

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As this is a “Bootcamp” you will be expected to do the “work” when you get there. One of Pete & Janelle’s most interactive programs where you get to work “on” your business for a change with direct mentoring from Pete & Janelle and their team of business mentors, as well as the opportunity to make real time “sales” (Cash in Bank!) at the event like many of the students who attend.

Course Description/Outcomes:

Day 1

  1. Understanding the ‘Fundamental Laws’ of business
  2. Creating your business blueprint
  3. The importance of empowering your top 2″
  4. How to promote yourself, so people will buy from you, and defining who your ideal client is!
  5. How to become an authority – not just an expert
  6. Putting out the best message that excites prospects to buy from you

Day 2

  1. How to implement a money making formula into your business
  2. Systemising your business, so it works, while you don’t
  3. Generate quality leads into your business
  4. How to close the sale and handle any objections that arise!
  5. Advanced recruiting processes, so you hire the right person and grow your team
  6. Becoming the leader in your business
  7. How to work less and get paid more!




The 90 Day Programme

90 Days

Ideal for Businesses Trading for 2+ Years and Looking to Grow:
Business Owners
Business Managers
Self Employed Businesses
Business Operators Wanting To Start A Business

The essential knowledge to scale your business to a 6-figure income without stress or overwhelm within 90 days or less.

You will gain access to Pete & Janelle’s premiere 90-day programme to help you make even more money, and learn strategies to work less, so you have more time for yourself, family and friends, yet retaining your income.

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  1. Twelve weekly 90-minute Zoom sessions to get you business fit
  2. Accountability
  3. Simple implementable ideas
  4. Benefits will be:-
    • Clarity
    • Business knowledge
    • Someone holding your hand – you’re not alone
  5. Guaranteed results

The 7 Fundamental Laws to having a Successful Business
Your Client Marketing Strategy (CMS) – who is your ideal client?
Mindset – Out with old and in with new.

Goal setting. The 4 most important areas you need to cover in business: It’s direction, not perfection.

Why people buy – what motivates them? What are their emotions?
Cycle of business & what you as the owner should focus on.

7 problems your clients have.
Your products or services to solve them.
Review your ideal client, then grade your CRM.

The Profit Chain: Part 1. Finding the weakest link in your business!

WEEK 6 – Review & Consolidation Week
What have you achieved so far?
What have you implemented, and what are the results so far?

Profit Chain: Part 2. Time to fix the weakest link in your business!
Strategies on how to increase your numbers and increase your net profit.

The 7 areas to systemise in the business.
Freeing up 36% more time for you. Using your Frog Sheet. Default diary. Daily priorities.

How to increase your visibility.
How to stand out in a crowded marketplace?

Sales process & objection handling. Having the process of what to say – ready.

WEEK 11 – MACHINE (Systems)
Part 2. Creating a stable workforce for your business.

Recruitment – Recruiting for success into your business induction process.
Review & wrap-up




Peak Performance Business Accelerator Academy

Minimum 12 Months

Ideal For:

With this world-class business mentorship programme, you will work closely with Pete & Janelle over a minimum of 12 months to really accelerate your business growth, with structured accountability and focus.


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What’s included?

  • ‘In Person’ live meetings each month with Pete & Janelle
  • Access to online training platform
  • Quarterly 90-day planning sessions
  • 12-month goal setting and plan
  • Exclusive members-only inner circle Facebook support group
  • 10 sessions high-level personal mentoring with Pete & Janelle
  • 3-day ultimate life and business transformation retreat


By Application Only

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