Why you need competent and wise people in your life…

Written by Pete O'Keeffe

May 22, 2023


To succeed in life, you need wise and competent people around you, informed people with a proven track record who can assist you.
But be advised: the best people with the most knowledge will challenge, stretch and confront your previously held viewpoints. That doesn’t mean you should avoid them. On the contrary – that’s exactly why you need them! You must get over your fear of people who are smarter, more talented and more experienced than you are, and learn from them instead.

What stops many of us from approaching competent people is that we feel ignorant when we’re around them.

It’s okay to be ignorant – but it’s not okay to stay that way!

Don’t keep running back to familiar people who don’t challenge you to grow. The more you move into new arenas in life, the more you need ‘the multitude of counsellors’ who will push you to be more than you are, even if it’s uncomfortable at first. Go where they are, listen to what they say and evaluate their opinions.

If you’re going to build yourself up spiritually, emotionally and financially, go outside your comfort zone. If you don’t, you won’t have the information you need to move beyond the familiar and attain your future goals. Only those who are willing to be stretched achieve their dreams.

And remember, the people you need most are usually busy people. Generally speaking, they won’t reach for you, so you must reach for them.

And be prepared; some of them may turn you down, while others, recognising your hunger for wisdom and knowledge, will respond and help you to succeed.

If you would like further information on improving your or your teams Leadership capability, please get in touch with me and I will send you my free copy

“The difference between ‘Leadership and Management’.”

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