Week 21: Haircuts, Snakes! And a Mystery….

Written by Pete O'Keeffe

September 30, 2024

Week 21: Haircuts, Snakes! And a Mystery….

Coaching Across Continents

Janelle and I are currently embarking on an extraordinary adventure—Driving Overland to New Zealand!

Our journey kicked off in April 2024 from the picturesque town of Faversham, UK, and while we expect to reach our destination by the end of 2025, the allure of new places keeps us turning left or right, adding unexpected detours and extending our adventure. With no strict timetable, this 18-month voyage may stretch even further as we meander through 50,000 km (or 30,000 miles) in our fully converted Rav4 Hybrid.

7 Step Roadmap for Construction business owners

In our weekly newsletter, I’ll share not only the incredible destinations we visit and the exciting experiences we have, but also the lessons we learn along the way—tips for traveling, unique insights into our business coaching approach, and yes, even some of the hiccups and mistakes we’ve made and had to fix!

If you want please follow us on our blog on 2kiwisonthemove.com

What makes this odyssey possible? We’ve structured our business in a way that allows us to Coach Across Continents. That’s right—we’re able to coach our clients from wherever we are, whether we’re overlooking mountain ranges, exploring hidden beaches, or navigating bustling city streets. And just like we’re discovering freedom on this journey, our clients are building businesses that are more profitable, more valuable, and capable of thriving without them having to be there 24/7.

I’ve run my own businesses and along with my wife Janelle, we coach and mentor Construction Business owners in the UK, USA, and New Zealand. We Coach Across Continents.

If you’d like to advance your business please watch this quick video (2:40) on how I can help you and your business, have the time freedom like we have..

I’m the creator of the “7 Step Business Growth Roadmap” my system to help you fast-track your business to make even more money, have more time freedom, and have a business that can effectively work without you.

Take my free test to see where your business rates…

I am the author of “Family Matters, So Does Business. 5 Ways To Keep Your Family & Business Flying.” It was a #1 best seller on Amazon in March 2020. Order your copy here.

We love to interact and share our adventure, so if you have any questions, please reach out and ask. Come along for the ride as we explore, learn, and coach across the continents!


Week 21: Haircuts, Snakes! And a Mystery….

Leaving behind the stunning, postcard-perfect landscapes of Austria, we set our sights on the vibrant city of Budapest, Hungary again.

We had been dreaming of a magical night river cruise down the Danube, (which we couldn’t do last time we visited) imagining the shimmering lights of the city reflecting off the water. But, alas, nature had other plans. The river, still swollen and unruly from the aftermath of Storm Boris, was too dangerous. Every single river cruise was cancelled. It was a letdown, for sure, but our spirits weren’t going to be dampened that easily.

A Game-Changer for Camp Comfort


Life in a tent can be a mixture of the fantastical and the frustrating. In our case, while our tent was cozy and functional, it had one major drawback: the light bar. This brilliant bar illuminated the entire tent, but—here’s the kicker—it could only be switched on or off from the car. This meant a chilly trek outside every time we wanted to turn it on or off, a real mood killer, especially when you’re all snuggled up in bed.

But then we stumbled across a fantastic solution: a sleek portable charger from ‘Roy Pow.’ This wasn’t just any charger, it was a lifesaver for our camping setup, shipped all the way from Italy. The moment we got our hands on it, it transformed our nights completely.

No more cold trips to the car!

One simple click and our tent was instantly bathed in warm, comforting light, without lifting more than a finger. It was, without exaggeration, a complete game-changer. Woohooo!

Haircuts on the Road: A Traveling Barber


Now, one thing people don’t talk about enough when you’re on the road is the inevitable hair growth. Yep, no matter how scenic the journey, hair just doesn’t stop growing. Lucky for me, I’ve got Janelle, who’s got a real talent when it comes to grooming. She’s not just great at it—she’s a dab hand at trimming both my beard and my head of hair.

And, to be honest, at 64, I’m pretty darn proud to still have a head of hair that needs trimming! Every time she takes out those clippers, I’m reminded how fortunate I am, both for my hair and for Janelle’s skills.

A Picture-Perfect Evening by the Lake

That night, we found the perfect spot to park our Rav4. Nestled beside a crystal-clear, secluded lake, surrounded by a peaceful ring of trees, we felt like we had our own personal slice of paradise.

Even better—no sandflies.

The air was crisp, the water calm, and the entire atmosphere was serene. As we settled in for the night, we were once again greeted by a familiar sight: the International Space Station streaking across the inky black sky. It’s become something of a ritual for us—seeing the ISS as it flies overhead. It feels like our celestial guardian, watching over us and keeping us safe as we sleep beneath the stars.

A Hair-Raising Snake Encounter

While our days are often filled with peaceful explorations and simple joys, sometimes the unexpected creeps up—literally. Janelle and I were deep into some ‘sales role-playing’ exercises with our B.C.A. group, using the internet to connect with other members. I was in the middle of role-playing a sales scenario with Anne, another group member, when out of nowhere—a blinkin’ snake slithered out of the water and onto the grass nearby!

I didn’t just yell—I shrieked, swore like a sailor, and launched myself out of my chair with the grace of an Olympic high jumper! My heart was pounding as I tried to make sense of what had just happened. But of course, the moment I realised it was harmless, everyone in the group collapsed into uncontrollable laughter.

My antics had derailed the role play completely, and as they said through their laughter, “Well, I guess you’re not getting that sale today Pete!”

Staying Longer at the Lake

We had originally planned to stay at the lake for just a night or two, but the tranquility and beauty of the place had us hooked. The days were filled with gentle breezes, birds singing, and the serene sound of water lapping at the shore. The lack of interruptions (aside from the snake, of course!) made it the ideal spot to slow down and enjoy nature. Four blissful days passed before we decided it was time to move on.

A Mystery Unfolds

We packed up our gear, said goodbye to our little oasis, and set off toward Romania, eager to see what adventures awaited us there.

But—plot twist—we never made it.

Something happened along the way, something unexpected and extraordinary, and that’s a story for next week.

But trust me, it’s worth the wait. Stay tuned!

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