Last week, I spoke about MARKETING from the 7M Business Growth Model.
If you don’t get this right then you continue to have products/services that nobody wants. Maybe you are targeting the wrong type of client?
Without understanding this you will be spending a lot of time and energy interacting with lots of people who aren’t a good fit for your business.
This week, we’re going to look at the third Irrefutable Law.
Media – The Authoritative Message Generator.
Law 3 – Media————————
If you get this wrong, people don’t see you as the ‘go-to’ person in your industry. Perhaps they don’t even see your message or advertising.

Media – The authoritative Message Generator
Picture this, there you are standing outside your business and people are walking by not seeing you, even though you have a huge 6ft wide flashing neon sign right there on the building. Why can’t people see you?
Have you ever had this feeling?
Without this, you will possibly continue to go around and around in ever-decreasing circles, like you did with your mindset.
When you get this right, you’re dealing with the people who not only want your service or product but who are willing to pay you for the value you provide. They see your huge 6ft flashing Neon sign, and realise you are the ‘go-to’ person, the authority in the market.
What we’re talking about is MEDIA.
You need to get yourself out there and position yourself as an authority in the marketplace, not an expert. The world is awash with experts. You must differentiate yourself in your market, and be the authority.
You’re a small fish in a big pond when you need to be a bigger fish in that same pond. How do you do that?
You’ll learn how to get the authority status because the authority status is the person who is above the expert.
And there’s a real system to positioning yourself which you’ll learn.
What this means for you is that your clients will see you as the authority – above everyone else.
They will come to you for your knowledge and advice.
Remember: Generalists want clients. Clients seek specialists in their field.
Let me give you an example.
You’re running along the road, when unfortunately you have a Heart attack. I just happen to be walking past and see you there, lying on the road. I ask you “Do you want a GP or Cardio-Specialist.?” Of course you’re going to ask for the cardio specialist, because they are the authority on heart conditions. Your GP is an expert.
It’s important you leverage your media campaigns so you obtain the best advantage possible over your competitors. Let me give you and example of doing more with less.

The first forms of leverage were fire and spear. It gave humans leverage over a very harsh environment. The spear was years later reduced in size to the bow and arrow.
Leverage is defined as the ability to do more with less.
Then learning to ride a horse was a form of leverage. The horse was good for transportation, and tilling soil for planting crops. But the horse also became a powerful force in warfare.
Then gunpowder was developed – the ruler who had cannons conquered rulers who did not.
Then about 100 years ago the car and airplane replaced horse. Both were new forms of leverage and were used for war and peace.
We’ve come a long long way from when we used to club each other!!!!!!
It’s a bit like in the days before computers. Ledgers were kept by hand by a team of people. Now 1 person with a small computer can actually do the work of many people working from ledgers. This is how far we have come due to technology.
Look at your smart phone now. Gone are the days of having to have a landline. Oh, and the phone is just not a phone, it is a messenger, a calculator, and all the other 47 or so apps you now have on your phone.
Being the authority – being above your competitors and the right message is so important when there is just a sea of adverts out there vying for your time and interest (and money!!)
Media – The Authoritative Message Generator
Next week we’ll look at MACHINE – The Business Automation System
An action step you can take today…
– Invest you time that helps you plan your next 90 days in your Business:
What: “7M Business Growth Roadmap – The next 90 Days”
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My book, Family Matters, So Does Business, 5 ways to keep your Family & Business Flying was an Amazon #1 bestseller in 2020.
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