Hey, welcome to The 7 Steps To Grow Your Business.
Having worked with business owners in the UK and around the world, Janelle and I know there are specific challenges you face that other types of businesses don’t.
But we also know there are many challenges that ARE common to most businesses.

Pete & Janelle
We’ve designed this guide to help you break through some of the barriers that dog many business owners and share with you the exact process we use with our clients to help them grow their dealership without working longer hours or sacrificing their personal life (because our family and relationships matter, right?)
We’ll be completely upfront with you about why we’re giving all this information away. We know that a few Business owners will want help accelerating their growth or clawing back more free time in their business.
For many however, they may want to take this information and try implementing it themselves. That’s great and good luck.
So let’s get started,
There’s a new rhythm to be played in business right now, and now is the time to ‘up’ your skill level and knowledge in your business.
If you don’t, you run the risk of being left behind by those business owners who take time for self-reflection and who are implementing great systems and strategies in their business.

Kev Lorton
We want to help you think differently. And we want you to have an ‘abundance mentality.’
Now is a real opportunity if you are willing to see the opportunities.
And this situation is maybe helping you think, ‘what do I need to do differently in my business to take me from where I am now, to where I would like to be?’
Business owners often “delete” the problems because they are just too hard to deal with. By doing this though, you just bury your head in the sand, like an ostrich, hoping the difficult issue goes away or fixes itself.
Invariably it doesn’t and the problem just manifests itself into something even larger.
In this guide, we’re going to give you SIMPLE STRATEGIES for SERIOUS business owners who want SOLID results.
We’re going to offer you great ideas and strategies to play the game differently in your business.
To move you from where you are making some money to making even more money. To have more time off and freedom, to be with family and friends.
We want you to think, “what do I need to do differently in my business to take me from where I am now, to where I would like to be?”
We’ve got THREE big promises we want to give you from this book.
PROMISE #1 – I’m going to show you how you can obtain the freedom you want and desire from your business, and we’re going to help you achieve this.
PROMISE #2 – How to get a system to run your business, so you don’t have to. This one promise will move you from where you potentially are right now, to where you would like to be.
PROMISE #3 This is what business owners and entrepreneurs are missing at present.
They’re not seeing or realising the opportunities that are presenting themselves on a daily basis.
We’re going to show you how to take advantage of these opportunities.
So let me ask you a question:
“Would you like your business to be generating even more income right now?”

Let’s talk about you and how you can do the same …because since 1999 we have discovered there are just 7 Fundamental Laws that you need to learn in order to become a really great business owner of any business.
Let us step you through our 7 Fundamental laws to business success.
This is a unique and proven system that Janelle and I have developed and teach in- depth to our clients.
What this means for you, is that you have a roadmap, a system if you like, to put into your business.
Want to see results? Ask us for testimonials and we’ll gladly share these with you.
Next week, we’ll cover at Step 1 – MINDSET
An action step you can take today…
– Invest you time in my upcoming workshop on Saturday 11th Feb in London.
Here’s the link
You will learn 3 key ideas to implement into your business immediately. You’ll come away knowing how ‘The Profit Chain’ works. Finding the weakest link in business so it can be rectified. You’ll learn how to free up 33% of your time, so you can do the things you want and not be tied to the business. And there will be more great content that will help you have a great business.

Family Matters! So Does Business
My book, Family Matters, So Does Business, 5 ways to keep your Family & Business Flying was an Amazon #1 bestseller in 2020.
Want to fast-track and have a chat about your Business? Book a 15-minute call here: