Written by Pete O'Keeffe

January 30, 2024


Picture yourself beside a sparkling cascading river in, in some of the most sweltering conditions you’ve every been in. As you wipe the sweat from your face you keep fiddling with the metal bowel in your hand, as the continuous movement of digging and sifting the soil hasn’t done anything to increase your spirits. That dirt mound behind you is just getting bigger and bigger as the weeks turn to months, and the months become nearly a year. Just as your own mental barriers start to fall down, you start to wonder at the prospect as to whether your dream will ever become reality. You’ve tried so hard, you glimpse hard down into your sifting bowl and see that small shining shimmer through the water looking straight at you, you’ve hit it, GOLD!

It can be said that this time in the 1860s thousands of dreamers could be found at the water’s edge, wearing canvas levis jeans and constantly searching for the big break of finding gold. Others, who weren’t exactly gold diggers but dreamers who have shaped our world from Albert Einstein, to Winston Churchill, Martin Luther Kng to Daniel Carter and Tom Cruise to Michael Jackson have all touched people of all ages and effected the lives that we live in today.

These people were all great dreamers and, what did the all have in common?

They all had vision.

Vision is the power of the dreamers.

So what do you have to do to mine for gold? You have to go looking for it.

In the process you might move several tones of dirt. But you didn’t go mining for dirt, you went mining for gold.

You need a dream and vision to understand this, that there is gold amongst all the dirt.

This is the difference between us and the great dreamers of our time. These people each had a vision and dream to get their gold, and they realised that they had another horizon to beat and get past the influencers, the achievers, followers and wanderers who wait every Thursday for dole day before they go searching for their gold. Many fall by the wayside, before they even start their search. All four of these types of people live under the same sky but all have different horizons.

A question – Do you have a dream for your future?

There’s a story about an East Coast Bishop who paid a visit to a Midwestern religious college. He stayed at the home of the college President, who served as a professor of physics and chemistry. After dinner during the discussion, the Bishop declared that the millennium couldn’t be far off, because just about everything about nature had been discovered and all inventions conceived.

The young college president politely disagreed and said he felt there would be many more discoveries. When the Bishop challenged the president to name just one such invention, the president replied he was certain that within fifty years men would be able to fly.

“Nonsense!” was the only reply the Bishop could sputter. “Only angels were intended to fly.” The Bishops name was Wright and he had two boys at home who may have lived under the same sky but had different horizons. Their names were Orville and Wilbur Wright.

People had been dreaming about flying for years and the thought of being able to boundlessly soar with the grace of a bird high above the walking land inspired many dreamers to create such a machine, though countlessly failing. Many believed like our east coast bishop that such a feat was impossible and a distinguished astronomer Simon Newcomb stated, “Aerial flight is one of a class of problems with which man will never cope.”

Two other people that were living under that same sky but with a different vision and horizon soon proved this theory extremely wrong as Orville and Wilbur Wright began inventing their flying machines which if successful would prove thousands of scientists wrong about the ability to fly. The thing was that these men were scared of change and didn’t have the vision to see the gold at the end unlike the Wrights.

So what were their visions?

To build an aeroplane that flies.

Then to build the best aeroplane that flies the farthest.

So they had to take into account…

  • was it the best?
  • were there flaws with the design?
  • could it be better?
  • where do you go to get the resource to build it?
  • could a team build a better aeroplane?

They planned for tomorrow and kept looking for opportunities to build better and better aeroplanes.

And not once did they feel that they would fail. By having that dream and vision to get there, and like a fox chasing two rabbits they overcame their difficulties and others, skepticism and said ‘we might not catch the two rabbits in one go but we’ll make sure we do get the two rabbits.’ They kept at it and in 1903 using the sands of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, they succeeded in flying their flimsy craft on a series of wobbly flights. The longest lasting 59 seconds and covering 852 feet. A huge feat of mankind.

These men were like many others who excelled and influenced others in their field and had the right dreams and power to achieve them through vision and drive. Without a doubt maybe if these men showed more interest in the opposite sex we could probably have seen the mobile love nest or courtship machine invented earlier, the car.

By showing how impossible dreams can become reality, people like this give us the drive to pursue our dreams, and the legacy of Wilbur and Orville’s inventions still live on today. All it takes is to look in the sky.

The point is that people like this who have a dream must use the power vision as an imaginative insight, a specific point in time, about the future to attain their dreams and find that piece of gold in the dirt.

If you would like help defining your dream and your vision, please contact me and lets talk

Ph: 07468 339 450

E-mail pete@peakbusinesscoaching.co.uk


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