by Pete O'Keeffe | Aug 30, 2022 | Blog, Tips & Ideas
HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU WASTE BY NOT RETURNING CALLS Recently I was trying to call a Business owner on the phone. I had sent him a letter in the post – the old ‘snail-mail’ as opposed to e-mail, which we all get inundated with every day. As with any letter, I was... by Pete O'Keeffe | May 3, 2022 | Building and leading a team, Tips & Ideas
SHACKLETON. FORGING A UNITED AND LOYAL TEAM. (An Extract taken from the book, Shackleton’s Way, by Morrell and Capparell) As a Business owner or M.D. in the tyre industry you’ve achieved some success in your business. It’s been challenging, and moving from... by Pete O'Keeffe | Apr 28, 2022 | Blog, Tips & Ideas
WORRY – How to overcome it! Sleepless nights: Worrying about cashflow, or how to pay suppliers or staff – or even yourself? Could it be that business isn’t fun anymore, you have no FREEDOM and you’re tired of the daily grind? This is not why you went into Business!!!!... by Pete O'Keeffe | Apr 12, 2022 | Blog, Tips & Ideas
COMPLEXITY – How to keep things simple in your Business. The importance of keeping things simple….. There is an issue that stifles business execution success. That issue is called complexity. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple says: “We believe in the simple, not the... by Pete O'Keeffe | Feb 23, 2022 | Blog, Tips & Ideas
Not making a decision is still a decision. And in life, we are called upon to make decisions every day. Some are major decisions, but most day-to-day decisions are minor. Don’t let others make decisions on your behalf. Here I share a great story about how...