by Pete O'Keeffe | Feb 22, 2023 | Blog, Keeping Clients And Customers, Persuasion, Tips & Ideas
The 2nd Law – MARKETING: The Powerful problem Solver Last week, I spoke about MINDSET from the 7M Business Growth Model. I asked you to consider how important your Mindset is to business functionality. I see so many business owners crumbling at present. We’re...
by Pete O'Keeffe | Feb 22, 2023 | Blog, Persuasion, Tips & Ideas
Give Buyers The Opportunity To Say NO!! It was Thursday afternoon, about 2:30 PM. Janelle and I had just finished mentoring Dave, one of our clients. As we were leaving the office, Dave said to me, “You need to go across the road to that new shop, and just...
by Pete O'Keeffe | Feb 14, 2023 | Gaining freedom, Leadership, Persuasion
Last week, I introduced you to the 7M Business Growth Model. And I stipulated that I believe there are 7 Fundamental Laws to having a successful business. I used to be a Policeman many years ago, and quite often I would arrest someone and they would say to me,...
by Pete O'Keeffe | Feb 6, 2023 | Building and leading a team, Persuasion
HOW TO INCREASE SALES, TRANSFORM YOUR TEAM’S PERFORMANCE AND GROW YOUR BUSINESS WORKING LESS HOURS Hey, welcome to The 7 Steps To Grow Your Business. Having worked with business owners in the UK and around the world, Janelle and I know there are specific...
by Pete O'Keeffe | Jan 2, 2023 | Blog, Persuasion
I really love this article I read over Christmas written by Debbie Glass, about ‘giving everything you have.’ A powerful story about giving everything without considering or worrying about any consequences. One afternoon a little girl stood outside Pete...