by Pete O'Keeffe | Aug 8, 2023 | Blog, Persuasion, Tips & Ideas
Persistence and Resilience are two of the greatest attributes a business owner can have when it comes to running a business. Let’s face it, running a business can be lonely. Who do you talk to for advice and guidance? Who helps you through those sticky patches...
by Pete O'Keeffe | Jul 24, 2023 | Blog, Leadership, Persuasion
BEING A GREAT GUEST! Leadership doesn’t’ always involve being in a work setting. Leadership is especially important in your personal life as well. Being a good guest, in a personal environment, I think, really shows what you would be like in your work...
by Pete O'Keeffe | May 9, 2023 | Blog, Persuasion
Faithfulness requires making 100 per cent of your effort, 100 per cent of the time. According to statistics compiled by the Communications Division of Insight, Syncrude Canada Ltd, it was stated that if 99.9 per cent was good enough,… · 103,260 income tax...
by Pete O'Keeffe | May 2, 2023 | Blog, Persuasion
For effective communication: (1) Make use of the ‘eye-gate’. Eye contact stimulates the brain’s social-network circuits, decreasing the stress hormone and increasing the sympathy hormone. Intentionally looking at the other person enables you to...
by Pete O'Keeffe | Apr 3, 2023 | Blog, Gaining freedom, Persuasion
WHY SOME PEOPLE THINK BANKS ARE MAKING TOO MUCH MONEY. Having seen the devastation caused recently by SVB bank going to the wall and taking another with it, and then seeing Credit Suisse being baled out, it made me wonder what the banks are doing to ensure the safety...
by Pete O'Keeffe | Feb 27, 2023 | Blog, Leadership, Persuasion
Last week, I spoke about MARKETING from the 7M Business Growth Model. If you don’t get this right then you continue to have products/services that nobody wants. Maybe you are targeting the wrong type of client? Without understanding this you will be spending a lot of...