HOW TO STAY YOUNG… THROW OUT NON ESSENTIAL NUMBERS This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor worry about them. That’s why you pay him/her. KEEP ONLY CHEERFUL FRIENDS! Negativity pulls you down. KEEP LEARNING! Learn more about the computer, crafts,...
Courageous Decision Making

Courageous Decision Making

Having seen athletes progress through to the world stage, and of course many more falling short and not meeting the performance standards, I thought I would look at Andy Murray’s journey as a case study to learn from… And specifically reflect on two...
Customer Service v Customer Experience

Customer Service v Customer Experience

Customer Service v Customer Experience As a business owner you must understand the difference between Customer Experience and Customer Service. Customer Service is reactionary. It is what you need to spend money on because your customers have a problem or they are...
Effective Communication

Effective Communication

For effective communication it is so important to understand the other persons perspective. Quite often we listen to reply, as opposed to listening to understand. Here are some thoughts on effective communication: (1) Make use of the ‘eye-gate’. Eye...