Becoming an Elite Leadership Specialist

Written by Pete O'Keeffe

June 19, 2023

**Picture this**

You’re the Sales Manager in a large corporation. You have 1 job to do, – that is sales. You only have to juggle 1 egg. You’re pretty good at sales, but you think you can do better. You think that you can do better than what your current boss is doing.

So you juggle your sales egg and resign your current position to run your own business, and be the leader you thought you could be..

You start your own business, and your Leadership journey begins. You think, ‘this will be easy, it can’t be that hard running a business, and looking after staff. (Oh how wrong you can be!!!!)

But now you have 4 more eggs to juggle that you didn’t have before! You hadn’t thought of that.


To run your new business and be a Leader you now have to be:

· an HR expert,

· a Finance expert,

· an Operations expert,

· an expert in Administration (until you can outsource)

· Oh, and you have to continue being the Sales manager and juggling your sales egg, so sales don’t fall away.


You now have 5 eggs to juggle – can you? Being in Business and juggling all these areas can be daunting and lonely. Can you keep juggling them all, or will you drop some?

All of a sudden you have a newfound respect for your old boss. How did they manage to juggle everything and still make the business decisions and be profitable.

How did your old boss manage to lead the staff and make timely decisions while juggling all the rest of the business at the same time.

All of a sudden the realisation hits – being in business and being a leader and trying to juggle all the components of a good business is daunting. Soon you start dropping some of the balls……

Watch this 2 minute video I have made on juggling eggs in your business.

You ask yourself – ‘how have others managed to run a business and be a leader without dropping the balls they are juggling.’

You realise you need a system, a process to help you. But where do you find the time to do this.

Soon you realise that some of the balls you’re juggling are dropping. You start to panic, but then you see that those balls being dropped are being picked up by others who have been waiting for the opportunity to help. The system has started and now you realise that if the system works well you can stop juggling all the balls and give them to others to juggle. They have been waiting for the opportunity.

You can now concentrate on Leading and guiding the business and the people in it.

Reflecting back you realise this is what your old boss was doing and they were inspiring you to juggle your ball even faster, which produced great results for the company.

And this helped you understand that becoming an E.L.S. (ELITE LEADERSHIP SPECIALIST) needs 3 things.

1. Leadership Capability,

2. Money

3. Time.

When it comes to Leadership, uncertainty is a permanent part of the process. Furthermore, it isn’t an indication of poor Leadership, it just underscores the need for it

It is this uncertain environment in which good Leadership is most often discovered. Since you’ll be constantly called to make decisions with limited information, your goal should not be to eliminate it, but develop the ability to have faith in your abilities and be courageous and clear, in spite of it.

It is not your job to remove uncertainty, it’s your job to inspire, provide clarity, believe, and progress in the midst of it. When you do that you are learning to be a Leader.

Imagine a place without a Leader, an Army without a General. Structure creates order, without it no progress can be made.


Every business owner should be in business to make a profit (ethically). This allows you to gain FREEDOM from your Business & make even more money, and do the things you want to in life.

I have developed a system with proven strategies that I can share with you to make this happen in your business.


Business owners are working so many hours. Not all of them are productive. Working anything over 55 hours a week is not a productive use of your time.

Leaders need a proven system that gives them FREEDOM from their work to do the things they want with family and friends, while still maintaining, or increasing their profit? I have such a system available for you.

Being in Business should be fun because the Business should be giving you FREEDOM to do the things you want to do, and not having to juggle the day to day business eggs..

Having worked with many many companies throughout the world you can be confident my unique E.L.S. system of LEADERSHIP, MONEY and TIME will help you grow, and ensure the “eggs you have in the air”, you can handle, without dropping them.

If you’d like to know more, please contact me, so I can help you and your team become the profitable business you so earnestly desire.

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