A Call for Humanity: Stand Against Genocide, Starvation, and Tyranny.

Written by Pete O'Keeffe

October 17, 2024

A Call for Humanity:

Stand Against Genocide, Starvation, and Tyranny.

I am devastated. I am angry. I am frustrated beyond words.

In one harrowing week in July 1995, the world witnessed an unspeakable horror: the Srebrenica Genocide. Over 8,000 Bosnian Muslims were slaughtered by Serbian troops, and this atrocity unfolded under the very noses of the Dutch UN peacekeeping force. Those meant to protect handed the vulnerable over to their executioners. Genocide, under the guise of “peacekeeping.”

I visited this place—a graveyard of hope—and felt helpless. The air was thick with sorrow. I felt devastation, anger, and profound frustration. The United Nations, the global symbol of peace, allowed this massacre to happen. The Dutch UN troops, perhaps following orders, stood aside as thousands were marched to their deaths. It was an act of betrayal that echoes the darkest days of human history—reminiscent of the Holocaust. And we, the global community, stood by and watched it happen. We knew. We did nothing.

There is Graffiti in Srebrenica which reads:
“UN: United Nothing”
“No teeth?

A moustache?

Smell like shit?”

A painful reminder of the world’s failure.

At the cemetery, the words inscribed on a memorial plinth offer a haunting prayer:

“In the Name of God,

the Most Merciful,

the Most Compassionate,
May grievance become hope.
May revenge become justice.
May mothers’ tears become prayers.
That Srebrenica never happens again,
To no-one and nowhere.”

But we, as a global society, continue to let it happen.

Today, in Ukraine, Gaza, North Korea, and countless other places, we watch as tyrants wage wars. We turn away as families are torn apart, and we shake our heads at the evening news. But what are we doing? Where is our outrage? Where is our action? Are we, once again, abdicating responsibility, washing our hands like so many have done before?

The West spends millions every day to house immigrants fleeing tyrannical regimes. But what if—just what if—that money was spent on eradicating the root cause of their flight?

What if we toppled the tyrants, ensured people felt safe in their homelands, and gave them the basic right to know they’d have food tomorrow? Instead of running from war, they would rebuild. Instead of crossing seas in desperation, they would stand proud on their own soil, free from fear.

We know tyrants can be stopped. We know bullies retreat when faced with resolute opposition. History has shown us time and time again that when we confront evil head-on, it falters. Yet, Western leaders hesitate, unwilling to spend even 2% of their GDP to ensure peace and security. The cost of inaction is far greater. Did we not learn from Neville Chamberlain’s failed attempts to appease Hitler? The cost of inaction is genocide, tyranny, and war.

In his book ‘Conflict,’ General David Patraeus says that ‘the cost in cutting defence spending, seldom produces genuine savings in the long term.’

Yet Western leaders are not prepared to spend even 2% of GDP to keep the likes of Putin, the Russian Leader, or Kim Jong Un the North Korean Leader at bay. Neville Chamberlain the British Prime Minister tried to appease Hitler with words, and look how that ended up.

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.

We are still doing nothing.

In the aftermath of World War II, Europe was ravaged by hunger. Children, orphaned and alone, trembled in fear even when given food and shelter. It wasn’t until a psychologist suggested giving each child a piece of bread to hold—not to eat, but to clutch through the night—that they finally slept in peace. The bread symbolized hope, a promise of tomorrow. That’s all it took—hope.

75 billion people lived in poverty and 1 billion people went hungry, how will you answer? Will you say you were comfortable in your bubble, too absorbed in your own world to care?

Or will you say you stood up, raised your voice, and did something?

We, the wealthiest, most educated, and technologically advanced generation, have the power to change the world. We can communicate across continents in seconds and traverse the globe in hours. We can, if we choose, end hunger.

But comfort breeds apathy. We in the West are too far removed from the devastation to feel its weight. It’s not happening to us, so we do nothing. Yet, every day, children go to bed hungry. Warlords and tyrants hoard resources, while the innocent suffer. All it takes is a backbone—resolve to stand firm, to say, “Enough.”

Our wealth, our power, and our knowledge are wasted if we continue to sit idly by. Common sense is dead, buried under a mountain of self-interest and apathy.

Today we mourn the passing of an old friend – common sense. He devoted his service to schools, hospitals and churches. He got jobs done without fanfare and foolishness. For decades silly rules and frivolous lawsuits didn’t alter him. He cultivated practices like sharing with others, teaching kids spiritual values and living within your means. He survived the Industrial Revolution and the Great Depression. But he couldn’t withstand the ravages of declining moral and spiritual values. He watched as leaders became corrupt and good people became apathetic. He saw the 10 Commandments outlawed in public buildings, prayer banned from the classroom, and criminals enjoying more rights than their victims. He watched in despair as teachers who needed parental consent to administer an aspirin, couldn’t tell a parent their child wanted an abortion. Common sense was pre- deceased by truth, trust and responsibility. His funeral wasn’t well attended, few realised he had gone.

But there is still hope. The question is: Will you be the one to act?

Is there a leader among us—a high-ranking civilian or military general—who has the courage, the strength, and the moral fibre to stand up and say, “No more”?

Will you be the one to rally the world, to ensure no one goes hungry, and no tyrant holds power over the helpless? Will you take the first step in a movement that could reshape the future?

If you are that leader, that person with the resolve to make a difference—contact me.

Let’s begin. We can end tyranny, we can end starvation, and we can ensure that never again will the world stand by, and let genocide happen.

It starts with you.


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