9 Tony’s Follow-up calls, moving up one layer of the 5 Business owner Levels, and 7 Day Invoicing Terms.

Written by Pete O'Keeffe

September 30, 2024

Unlocking the Secrets to Sustainable Success in Your Construction Business

You’ve built a successful construction business, and with that comes the thrill of pushing boundaries, testing your limits, and seeing just how far you can go. There’s immense satisfaction in what you’ve achieved so far—turning your vision into reality, watching your projects take shape, and creating something tangible from your hard work.

But now, as your business grows, so do the demands on your time. Days have become longer, and nights seem shorter. Your personal life and family time are slipping away, buried beneath the weight of daily operations, staffing issues, and constant demands. While revenue might be stable, profit margins are shrinking, and the overwhelming stress of keeping everything afloat is starting to take its toll.

The truth is, the strategies and tools that got you here may no longer be enough to take you where you want to go. The same approaches that fueled your initial success could be costing you more than you realize—in time, in stress, in chaos, and perhaps most importantly, in the strain they place on your relationships.

It’s time for a new approach. You need a system that allows you to grow your business without burning out—a method that ensures sustainable success, greater profitability, and gives you your life back.

That’s where my Leadership Newsletter comes in. Each week, I introduce simple yet powerful tools and strategies designed specifically to help you build your business systematically and profitably—without sacrificing your personal life in the process. You’ll learn how to streamline operations, get off-site more often, reclaim your time, and see more daylight than midnight hours.

Backed by solid research from fields like NLP, neuroscience, psychology, and physiology, my newsletter covers the three pillars of great leadership:

  • Vision: How to see the big picture and set clear, inspiring goals.
  • Velocity: Creating steady, sustained growth without burnout.
  • Value: Delivering exceptional service and products to clients, ensuring their satisfaction and loyalty.

Each edition follows the journey of “Tony,” my fictional construction business owner who faces real-world challenges just like you. Through Tony’s story, I explore the pitfalls, setbacks, and victories that every business owner encounters. His challenges might mirror some of the obstacles you’re dealing with right now—and his successes can be yours too.

Ready to transform the way you lead your business? Sign up today and discover the tools that will help you grow with less stress, more profit, and more time for what really matters.


9 Tony’s Follow-up calls, moving up one layer of the 5 Business owner Levels, and 7 Day Invoicing Terms.

A Path to Progress: Tony and Jayne’s Journey with Steve, Their Business Coach

Tony and Jayne sat across from Steve, their trusted business coach, at their dining room table. The scent of fresh coffee filled the air, blending perfectly with the comforting aroma of chocolate biscuits, which Steve had become known for. Despite the familiarity of the scene, today felt different. There was a sense of accomplishment that hadn’t been present in their previous meetings—a glimmer of hope that was beginning to overshadow the overwhelm Tony had been feeling for so long.

Tony had reached a major milestone. After months of hard work, sleepless nights, and constant problem-solving, he had officially moved up from the first level of business ownership: Overwhelm. It was a fitting description of the chaos he had once faced every day.

“Level 1 Overwhelm,” Steve reminded them. “That’s where you don’t even know what to do next. There are too many fires to put out, and you’re unable to manage day-to-day operations, let alone run a team effectively.”

Tony chuckled softly, remembering just how true those words had been. There were days when he’d thought about walking away from it all, but Jayne had kept him grounded. Together, they had pushed through, and now they were seeing the first signs of real progress. The numbers were starting to reflect the effort they’d put in.

“41 percent,” Steve said, a satisfied smile on his face. “That’s your new conversion rate, Tony.

You’ve jumped from 33 percent, and it’s all thanks to the sales script you’ve been practicing.


9 Tony’s Follow-up calls, moving up one layer of the 5 Business owner Levels, and 7 Day Invoicing Terms.


Script Continued……. (if you would like a copy please ask me.)

Prospects are calling you back because it’s easy to read your quotes, and they actually want to book you in. That’s huge.”

Jayne looked at Tony, her face beaming with pride. “It’s the first time we’ve felt this kind of positivity in a long time,” she said. “But we know there’s still so much more to do.”

Steve nodded in agreement, shifting the conversation to the challenges ahead. “You’ve left Overwhelm behind,

Tony, but now you’re stepping into Level 2: Overworked. It’s a different kind of problem, but still a big one.”

Tony groaned playfully. “More work? I thought I was supposed to be moving forward.”

Steve grinned. “You are. But there’s a process, Tony. You’re making money now. The business is growing. But you need to keep refining what you’re doing if you want to keep moving up the ladder.

Level 3 is Organized,

Level 4 is Overseer,

and Level 5 is full Ownership.

That’s the ultimate goal—having a business that runs smoothly without you having to be there every minute.”

Tony nodded thoughtfully. He could already see the shifts happening in his business, but the thought of organizing everything to the point where it could operate without him seemed like a distant dream.

The Invoicing Challenge

One of the biggest obstacles Tony was still facing was invoicing. It seemed simple enough, but the reality was frustrating. Too many clients were taking their time—often months—to pay. It was affecting cash flow, making it hard to plan for the future.

“You’re still not invoicing as soon as the job’s done, are you?” Steve asked, his tone a mix of curiosity and concern.

Tony sighed. “I just don’t see how it’ll make a difference. We’re in the construction industry, Steve. People take their time. That’s just how it is. They get the invoice, and it’s weeks—sometimes months—before they pay. I’ve been using 30-day terms forever, and even then, people push it.”

Steve leaned back in his chair and pulled out two case studies. “I hear you, Tony. But take a look at these.” He slid the papers across the table. “These are two of my clients who were in the exact same boat as you. They switched to 7-day invoicing terms, and it changed their businesses.”

Jayne raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Seven days? You’re telling me that clients will actually pay that fast?”

Steve nodded confidently. “They will. But only if you make it clear from the start that this is your policy. No more 30-day terms where clients then wait another 30 days to pay. It’s about setting expectations early and sticking to them.”

Tony still looked sceptical, but he knew Steve wouldn’t lead them astray. “Okay,” Tony said after a pause, “I’ll give it a shot. But if it doesn’t work, I’m going back to my old way.”

Steve laughed. “Fair enough. But I promise you, if you invoice as soon as the job is completed and stick to the 7-day terms, you’ll see results. You’ll have more consistent cash flow, and that’ll reduce some of the stress you’re feeling.”

A Profitable Shift

Despite the challenges, there were undeniable signs of improvement. Tony’s increased conversion rate wasn’t just a number on a page—it was real money in their pockets. The Profit Chain was working, and the tweaks they had made to their sales script were making it easier to close deals.

Then there was the bookkeeper’s challenge. Tony had been initially skeptical, but after following Steve’s advice to take a hard look at their financials, they had uncovered an additional £17,000. That money had given them some breathing room, a little cushion that allowed them to keep pushing forward.

“I’ll admit, Steve,” Tony said, leaning back in his chair, “this sales script is working. I was doubtful at first, but we’re seeing the results.”

Steve smiled. “That’s what I like to hear. But there’s more to be done. Refining your systems and streamlining your processes is what’s going to take you to the next level. It’s all about operational effectiveness—getting things done faster, reducing overhead, and improving project timelines.”

Jayne interjected. “And having invoices paid on time.”

“Exactly,” Steve agreed. “But don’t expect it to happen overnight. These things take time, but you’re on the right path.”

New Homework, New Goals

As the meeting came to a close, Steve assigned Tony his new homework. “Refine your sales script even further. Keep practicing, and most importantly, keep invoicing as soon as the job is done. No more waiting until the end of the month like you’ve been doing. All invoices need to be paid within 7 days.”

Tony nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. He had already come so far, but the road ahead still seemed long. Yet, for the first time in a while, it didn’t feel impossible. With Jayne by his side and Steve’s guidance, Tony knew they could tackle the next set of challenges.

And with that, Steve grabbed another chocolate biscuit, content that his advice was starting to bear fruit.


Success in the construction industry isn’t just about working harder; it’s about working smarter. The road ahead may be challenging, but with the right mindset, a creative approach, and a well-defined strategy, it’s a journey that leads to incredible rewards.

If you recognize yourself in Tony’s story and are ready to transform your business—whether it’s tightening operations, reducing costs, or optimizing project timelines—let’s talk. Book a call with me today, and let’s see how I can help you create a more efficient and profitable future for your construction business.

Contact me:

  • Email: petersokeeffe@gmail.com
  • Phone: +44 7468 339 450

Together, we can identify your weak links and build a business that not only survives—but thrives for years to come.


An action step you can take today:

Determine where you are at on the 5 Business owner Levels and decide what ACTIONS you need to take to move up another level




I’m Pete O’Keeffe – Peak Performance Business Specialist.

I’ve run my own businesses and along with my wife Janelle, we coach and mentor Construction Business owners in the UK, USA, and New Zealand. We Coach Across Continents.

We are currently driving home – Overland – to NZ. Our journey kicked off in April 2024 and we expect to be home possibly the end of 2025. However, the allure of new places keeps us turning left or right, adding unexpected detours and extending our adventure. What makes this odyssey possible? We’ve structured our business in a way that allows us to Coach Across Continents. That’s right—we’re able to coach our clients from wherever we are, whether we’re overlooking mountain ranges, exploring hidden beaches, or navigating bustling city streets

If you’re ready to advance your business please watch this quick video (2:40) on how I can help you and your business….

I’m the creator of the “7 Step Business Growth Roadmap” my system to help you fast-track your business to make even more money, have more time freedom, and have a business that can effectively work without you.

Take my free test to see where your business rates…

I am the author of “Family Matters, So Does Business. 5 Ways To Keep Your Family & Business Flying.” It was a #1 best seller on Amazon in March 2020. Order your copy here.

P.S. If you have missed the previous 8 parts of Tony’s story then you can find them in the features section of my LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/feed/

Do subscribe and share!



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