Written by Pete O'Keeffe

September 23, 2024

Tony sat at the kitchen table, his fingers tracing circles around his coffee mug. The smell of fresh paint still lingered in the air, a reminder of the project he’d completed last week. His construction business was his pride and joy, but it wasn’t without its struggles. Across the table, Jayne, his wife, was reading through a stack of papers, occasionally glancing up at Tony, sensing the frustration brewing within him.

“Another tough day?” Jayne asked softly, her voice full of concern.

Tony sighed. “It’s not the work, Jayne. The projects are fine. It’s the business side that’s getting to me. We met with Steve last week—”

“Our coach with the chocolate biscuits?” Jayne teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Tony chuckled, but it was short-lived. “Yeah, the one. We went over what he calls ‘The Profit Chain’—trying to find the weakest link in the business. Steve said it’s all about doing it in a specific order but he hasn’t told us what that is yet.


conversion rates,

average spend,

number of purchases,

and % Profit.

It’s a lot to take in.”

Jayne put down her papers and gave him her full attention. He’s the one who recommended we do the 10% challenge. Tony explained, rubbing his temples. “It’s this thing where we have to find a 10% increase in revenue through better financial awareness.”

“It’s worked for us even though we only managed a 6% increase. That added £17,000 to the bottom line. I think Steve may be disappointed though”

Jayne’s eyes widened. “Tony don’t you think that’s incredible! Finding this much extra profit this early on with Steve!”

“Yeah, I guess it is,” Tony admitted, a faint smile creeping onto his face. “But I can’t shake the feeling that I’m still missing something. Steve’s been drilling into me about the importance of the conversion rate. He’s given me a sales script to use, the processes—everything. It’s a lot of pressure.”

Jayne reached out and placed her hand on Tony’s. “You’re doing your best, and it’s paying off, even if it’s not exactly what you expected. Maybe Steve’s little hints are helping more than you think.”

Tony nodded, but the weight of the business still hung over him. “I hope so.”

The next day, Tony and Jayne met Steve at their home again. As always, Steve brought along his trademark chocolate biscuits, placing them on the table with a smile.

“You look like you’ve been thinking hard, Tony,” Steve said, his keen eyes taking in Tony’s tired expression.

“Yeah, I have,” Tony replied, sitting down and grabbing one of the biscuits. “That 10% Bookkeepers Challenge you set for me—it worked, – kind of. We only hit 6%, but we added £17,000 to the bottom line, you must be disappointed we only did 6%.”

Steve grinned. “That’s the beauty of understanding your numbers. And I am proud of you both. 6% is better than what you had last week, so no I’m not disappointed. I’m proud of your work. Even small improvements can make a big difference. You may not have hit the 10% target, but 6% to give you an extra £17,000 is totally worth it.

Tony took a bite of the biscuit, his mind racing. “But where do I go from here? We’ve been focusing on conversion rates, the sales script, and all that, but I still feel like I’m missing something.”

Steve leaned back in his chair, folding his arms. “Let’s walk through it again. The Profit Chain—what’s the weakest link?”

Tony sighed, trying to recall their discussions. “Profit %, conversion rate, average spend, number of purchases, and leads. We’ve gone through it all.”

“Right,” Steve said. “But what about the conversion rate? That’s where the real change happens. What’s your process for converting prospects into paying clients?”

Tony rubbed his chin, deep in thought. “We’ve improved the script, and we’re getting a decent number of leads, but the conversion rate still feels low.”



So that’s how it works [name].

How do you feel about the process and the structure specifically?

And [name] you’re going to absolutely love this.

The investment for a 6 monthly Profit Coaching Business Accelerator system gets you on your way to £x revenue per year is only £XXXX and for that you get:

  • Access to my 5 Levels of being a Business Owner so we can work through each of the 5 levels to progress you through to having a business that can run effectively without you being there every day.
  • The PROFIT CHAIN so we find and fix your weakest link in the business fast so you make even more money more quickly.
  • Access to the Business Growth Matrix that lets you see in an instant how you’re progressing in your business.


  • Do you feel like this can get you to where do you want to get to?……..

Continuation of Tony’s sales script…………….


Steve raised an eyebrow. “Have you considered that the issue might not be with the leads or the script, but with how you’re following up? Sometimes it’s not about what you say but how often you say it.”

Tony frowned. “You mean follow-up calls?”

“Exactly,” Steve replied. “It’s not enough to just give a quote and leave it at that. You need to stay on top of potential clients, remind them of the value you’re offering. A lot of times, it’s the persistence that pays off.”

Tony stared at the biscuit in his hand, feeling a sense of clarity beginning to form. “So, you’re saying I need to be more proactive with my follow-ups.”

Steve nodded. “Exactly. And let’s not forget, you’re not in this alone. You’ve got a team, right? Get them involved in the process, too. Delegate some of the follow-ups, but make sure they’re being done consistently.”

Tony leaned back, a weight lifting off his shoulders. “I think I see what you’re getting at. It’s not just about the numbers or the processes—it’s about making sure we’re staying engaged with our clients.”

Steve smiled. “You’ve got it. Remember, running a business isn’t just about hitting targets. It’s about understanding what’s driving those targets and making sure you’re acting on the insights.”

“I think Steve’s right,” Jayne said that night as they sat on the couch, the evening news murmuring in the background. “It’s about following through, not just on projects but with clients. We’ve been so focused on the numbers that we forgot about the relationships.”

Tony smiled. “That makes sense. And if we’ve already added £17,000 by following Steve’s advice, imagine what we can do by tightening up the rest.” Tony grinned, feeling more confident than he had in weeks. “You’re right. I just need to keep going.”

Jayne leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I’m proud of you, Tony. You’re doing great.”

Tony wrapped his arm around her, feeling lighter, more hopeful. For the first time in a long time, he wasn’t just thinking about the problems in his business—he was seeing the solutions.

Success in the construction industry isn’t just about hard work—it’s about working smart. The journey may be challenging, but with determination, creativity, and a clear strategy, it can also be profoundly rewarding.

If you see yourself in Tony’s story and are ready to revolutionize your construction business—streamline your operations, cut down on overheads, and enhance project timelines—then let’s talk. Book a call with me today, and let’s explore how I can help you build a more efficient and profitable business.

Contact me:

Together, we can strengthen the weak links and build a thriving business that stands the test of time.

In the comments below, let me know how much you have added onto your bottom line by doing the 10% book keeper’s challenge.


P.S. If you have missed the previous 7 parts of Tony’s story then you can find them in the features section of my LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/feed/

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