15. Continuous reviews shapes Tony and Jayne and the business

Written by Pete O'Keeffe

November 11, 2024

15. Continuous reviews shapes Tony and Jayne and the business

Steve arrived, a pack of chocolate biscuits in hand, ready to dive into another powerful session with Tony and Jayne. The air was buzzing with anticipation and a sense of achievement—they were taking control of their business like never before, and the results were already showing.

Jayne couldn’t help but express her excitement. “Steve, I love how we’re constantly reviewing everything with you. We’re not just coasting; we’re actively shaping our success. From the Profit Chain, the 13-week cashflow forecast, to the Debtors system—it’s all coming together.”

“And now the R.G.E. (Revenue Growth Accelerator),” she continued. “This first week using it, has been eye-opening. We’re a bit behind in sales, but now we have three whole weeks to catch up. Plus, thanks to the debtors system you set up, we’ve managed to collect an additional £17,600—more cash in the bank!”

Tony jumped in, his voice filled with appreciation. “We’ve never done reviews like this before. I’ve spoken with friends who have coaches, and they’re honestly envious. None of them are going through this kind of detail with their coaches. It’s clear now why you always say, ‘Know Your Numbers.’ It’s putting us on track, and the difference is incredible.”

Steve smiled, nodding with satisfaction. “It’s fantastic to hear that. Let’s keep building on the R.G.E. I see you’ve entered this year’s forecast and factored in the monthly seasonal variations. And I have to say—£3 million as the target for this year? That’s ambitious!”


He leaned forward, drawing an analogy. “Think of the R.G.E. as your car’s rearview mirror and windscreen. The rearview mirror shows you where you’ve been, the windscreen shows you where you’re heading, and just like on a road, you can make corrections along the way. Right now, you’re behind on sales and invoicing, but with this system, we know we have 3 weeks, enough time to fix it before month-end. This is smart, proactive stuff, guys. What’s your plan to bridge the gap?”

Tony and Jayne exchanged a glance, then pulled out a well-worn paper filled with notes and ideas. “We’ve already started mapping it out,” Tony said. “I’ve got six clients to reach out to this week, and I’m also revisiting a couple of current jobs to offer them an upgraded fitting option. It’s a great way to increase the order value.”

“And I’m wrapping up the last few steps in our debtors system,” added Jayne, “to bring in the final payments owed to us. With all this in place, we’ll be right back on track.”

Steve gave a satisfied nod, his eyes twinkling. “Brilliant. You’re taking ownership, and that’s exactly what it takes to drive growth. Looks like my work here is done for the week!”

With a confident wave, he left them to execute their plans, leaving Tony and Jayne energised and ready to tackle the road ahead. They were building something remarkable—one strategic step at a time, with the right support to guide them.

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